The holiday season often brings a mix of excitement and social challenges. At West Coast, we understand this dynamic. Our aim is to help individuals navigate holiday socializing with ease.
Mastering Social Cues with PEERS for Young Adults
Navigating social situations can be a challenge, especially for some young adults trying to understand the confusing nature of social skills. The PEERS for Young Adults program social skills training in Surrey and online offers a lifeline, providing invaluable skills for creating meaningful connections.
Celebrating Success: Our PEERS Program Online Graduates Shine Bright
For many of us, ending an important program is not only an achievement, but it is a turning point in our lives. This is especially true for the participants of our PEERS program online, who we celebrate today. Their graduation is not just about getting through the curriculum. It’s about the personal growth they’ve experienced, the friendships they’ve made, and … Read More
New Year, New Focus: Enhancing Social Skills for Success
As we start the New Year, it’s imperative to focus on life skills, especially for our kids and teens. Social skills training plays a pivotal role in this developmental journey. It’s not just about learning how to communicate, it’s about building the foundation for meaningful relationships and successful interactions for now and in the future.
PEERS Spring Registration is Open!
PEERS: Social Skills Program for the Modern Teenager. Spring Registration is Open for Both Online and In Person programs. Begins late February!
Digital Dilemma: Navigating Social Media’s Role in Teen Socialization
The digital era has brought significant changes to teen socialization, especially with the onslaught of social media. Social media offers teens a world of connectivity, but it’s not without its challenges. Read on to see what you can do to help.
PEERS for Teens Registration is Open
PEERS for Teens Registration is Open for Both Online and In Person programs! Read on to see how this social skills program has help your teen.
Transforming Lives: Success Stories from the PEERS for Teens Program
Our PEERS for Teens program Online and In Person at West Coast Centre for Learning isn’t just a program; it’s a catalyst for social transformations. This post celebrates these transformations, highlighting testimonials from participants and their parents.
Unlock Social Success with the PEERS Programs
Discover the foundations of PEERS programs at West Coast Centre for Learning, available for teens and young adults online, in-person, & as home learners.